Terror Fried Nasty Nibbles FIgures

Terror Fried Nasty Nibbles FIgures
£4.99 £4.75

Discover the nastiest, freakiest figures from deep inside the fast-food fryer.

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Toys and Models shop in Wolverhampton BD Price Models and Toys

B.D Price has been in Sedgley near Wolverhampton & Dudley for over 100 years. We stock a huge range of Models & Toys. Airfix, Diorama, Revell, and many more in different scales. Arts & Crafts, Games, Playmobil, Jigsaws and Lego +more!  Shop online or visit our store in Sedgley West Midlands where most leading makes of models and toys are now stocked.

We also sell bikes and bike accessories

We expanded to sell toys and Models in 1960 having begun as a cycle manufacturer in the West Midlands more than 100 years ago. We cover all aspects of general cycling for various age brackets and with approximately 150 cycles permanently on display our Sedgley shop is well worth a visit. Visit http://www.bdpricebikes.co.uk/ for more information.